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Rice fortification funded by BMGF - Ongoing
Improving Marketing Communication for fortified rice (FR)
The Baseline Study-2020 -‘Technical Textile Industry in India - Completed
“India International Trade Fair” by Govt. of India. - Completed
Past, present and future of augmented reality marketing research: a bibliometric and thematic analysis approach
The role of augmented reality in redefining e-tailing: A review and research agenda
Journal of Business Research
Roadblock Advertising In the Digital Context
Determinants of conflict in channel relationships: a meta-analytic review
Effects of Non-conformity on Perceived Status and Competence: Examining the Moderating Role of Physical Attractiveness
Is Social Media Engagement and Sentiments the Right Metric for Investing in Crypto-Currencies? Implications for Entrepreneurs and Investors
Role of culture-specific rights, responsibilities and duties in industry 4.0: comparing Indic and Western perspectives
Presence of Children in Advertisements and its impact on Consumers’ Purchase Behaviour
Garang Metal Limited: Market Entry into Angola*
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